Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps – Provides services and resources for children with special health care needs and their families to obtain comprehensive care and services which are family-centered, community-based, and culturally sensitive.
Health Insurance Comprehensive Guide Guide to choosing health care.
HIV Health Insurance Premium Program (HIPP) Program – The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) administers the HIV Health Insurance Premium Payment for persons living with HIV. The HIPP program makes direct premium payments for consumers to continue existing health insurance policies. The HIPP Program does not purchase new insurance policies.
Hospital Care Assurance Program (HCAP) – Provides additional payments to hospitals for services to the indigent and uninsured.
Medicare – Medicare is an insurance program mainly serving people with disabilities or who are 65 or older who have worked and earned qualifying quarters and are now eligible for medical coverage regardless of their income.
Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Seneca-Sandusky-Wyandot – Provides planning, monitoring and funding mental health and alcohol/drug recovery services for the residents of Seneca, Sandusky, and Wyandot Counties.
National Alliance on Mental Health – Provides resources for people and their families with mental health issues. Residents of Seneca County can contact the Local NAMI Agency that serves Seneca, Sandusky and Wyandot Counties.
Ohio Department of Aging – Provides seniors with quality services that allow them to be as independent as possible.Their Web site allows you to search and apply for available services through the Area Office on Aging’s network. Residents of Ashland, Crawford, Huron, Knox, Marion, Morrow, Richland, Seneca, and Wyandot Counties may contact the Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging, Inc.
Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Additcation Services – Offers high quality addiction prevention, treatment and recovery services system of care that is effective, accessible and valued by all Ohioans.
Ohio Department of Health – Helping Ohio residents live healthy
Ohio Department of Mental Health – Public system that serves as a safety net, providing care for the uninsured and compensating for inadequate benefits in commercial health insurance plans.
Ohio Department of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities – Oversees a statewide system of supports and services for people with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities and their families.
Ohio HIV Drug Assistance Program (OHDAP) – Individuals eligible for this program receive free HIV-related medications to fight HIV and to treat HIV-related conditions.
Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission – The state agency that helps people with disabilities get and keep jobs. Depending upon the individual’s disability, services are provided through either the Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired (BSVI) or the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR).
Ohio High Risk Pool Plans – Have you been turned down for health coverage because of a pre-existing condition? Have you been without insurance for more than six months? If you answered yes to these questions, you might be eligible for Ohio High Risk Pool plans administered by Medical Mutual of Ohio. The Ohio High Risk Pool is designed to give uninsured Ohioans with pre-existing conditions access to quality health insurance. With two affordable plan choices, responsive local customer service and access to the largest network of doctors and hospitals in the state, the Ohio High Risk Pool gives you the coverage you need-right now.
Partnership for Prescription Assistance – The Partnership for Prescription Assistance helps qualifying patients without prescription drug coverage get the medicines they need for free or nearly free. Our mission is to increase awareness of patient assistance programs and boost enrollment of those who are eligible. We offer a single point of access to more than 475 public and private programs, including nearly 200 offered by pharmaceutical companies. We have already helped millions of Americans get free or reduced-cost prescription medicines.
Rx Cut Drug Program – This FREE PRESCRIPTION DRUG CARD program is available to help EVERYONE cut their prescription drug costs. Simply download and print your FREE Prescription Drug Card and receive savings of up to 75% at more than 54,000 national, regional, and local pharmacies. Start Saving Today! If you do not have internet access and are interested in Prescription Savings Cards contact our OhioMeansJobs Seneca County Resource Center.
United Healthcare Children’s Foundation – Provides grants to help children who need critical health care treatment, services or equipment not covered, or only partially covered, by their family’s health benefit plans.
Veteran’s Administration Health Care System in Ohio – Provides information on health care available to veterans in Ohio.
WIC – WIC Provides lead testing; biannual height, weight, hematocrit and diet evaluations; nutrition education; referral coordination with immunizations and other services; and supplies food for women, infants, and children.