Avoid Shaken Baby Syndrome

It is normal for some babies to cry for 2-3 hours a day. Most shaken baby incidents happen because the person caring for the child loses control. If you become frustrated or stressed out:

  1. Give the baby to a relative or trusted neighbor to watch for awhile
  2. If no one is available, put the child in a safe place (crib or playpen) and walk out of the room
  3. Take 10 deep breaths….then take 10 more – GET YOURSELF UNDER CONTROL


  1. Play activities that can be dangerous to small children (under the age of 2) include tossing them into the air, jogging with an infant on your back or spinning children on your shoulders
  2. Make sure anyone in contact with your baby – a sitter, relative, friend; the child’s siblings – knows the danger of shaken baby syndrome
  3. Always provide support to your baby’s head when transporting, holding, or playing with your baby
  • SBS is one of the most violent forms of child abuse, accounting for the majority of severe headinjuries in children less than one year of age. It is the most common cause of mortality and long-term disability in infants and young children due to physical abuse.
  • One quarter of SBS victims die – the remaining are often left with brain damage, hearing and/or sight loss, learning difficulties, seizure disorders, cerebral palsy, and paralysis.
  • Roughly 1/3 of SBS cases are missed the first time.
  • Less than 10-15% of shaken babies are believed to completely recover.
  • Men are more likely to shake a baby than others (i.e., men represent over 60% of historical perpetrators).

Historical Shaken Baby Syndrome Perpetrators

Mercy Health Systems now has a Crying Baby Hotline for all of Ohio.  This hotline is designed for any parent/caregiver to make an anonyms call to receive help to figure out why their baby may be crying.  The number is 419-251-5555 or 1-877-251-5437 Ext 5555

Information Courtesy of Prevent Child Abuse Ohio and Lucas County Children Services.