Child Care Navigation

The Links below will help you navigate to the section of Child care you need. Just click the underlined titles to be redirected to the appropriate page.


Information for Parents

Child Care Program

The Seneca County Department of Job and Family Services Child Care Program determines eligibility for low income parents to have their child care costs partially paid by the agency.  This allows parents to work, obtain training, or attend school while being assured that the children are cared for in a safe, quality environment.

Families choose whether to use licensed day care centers or in-home providers, and all parents have a required co-payment to assist with the cost of care.  Eligibility is redetermined every six months.

Our Child Care Program page for more information about this program.

Child Care Provider Options

Our Child Care Provider Options page provides more information and resources parents can use to select a quality child care provider.

Information for Providers

Staff in the Child Care program at the Seneca County Department of Job and Family Services certify the child care provider homes.  Providers are required undergo home inspections, background checks, reference checks, and to attend initial and continued training in order to  maintain their certification.

Read our Information for Child Care Providers page for current child care providers and about becoming a certified  child care provider.