Foster parenting requires a special kind of love and commitment to children…a love that transcends food, shelter, medical assistance and educational opportunities. It is a need to share yourself, to the fullest, with children who need a temporary substitute family while separated from their families. Foster Parents are part of a special team comprised of social workers from Seneca County and other child care professionals who are working toward the ultimate goals of helping children grow, strengthening families and reuniting children with their parents.

Foster Care in Seneca County

Safe, temporary homes are provided for children who cannot safely remain in their own homes. The main purpose of the foster care program is to reunify children with their families and/or to find other permanent living arrangements when children cannot return home.
If it is determined that a child must be placed out of their home , kinship and foster homes are then considered. These types of homes are considered to be safe, temporary homes for children while their families are working on issues such as parenting skills, housing, budgeting, and/or meeting medical needs, among others. A child may be placed in a temporary home for up to one year before a more permanent solutions is considered.

Why are Children Separated from their Families?

Children are removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect and dependency which is caused by parental illness, marital problems, mental illness, substance abuse and abandonment. Parents of these children are unable to provide a safe, healthy environment for them. Some families lack the means to help themselves.

As a Foster Parent

  • You may be married, single, or divorced.
  • You may have other children.
  • You must be at least 18 years old to foster.
  • You may own or rent your house or apartment.
  • You will receive training to help you parent children that have been separated from their birth families.
  • You and a social worker will determine your parenting strengths during home study.
  • You will usually receive financial aid to help meet the child’s daily living needs.

What is Involved

  • Orientation
  • Home study
  • Licensing Guidance and support
  • Ongoing training

For more information on becoming a foster or adoptive parent please contact our Protective Services staff by calling (419) 447-5011 x2400 or email us at