Healthchek is Ohio’s Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program. Healthchek is a package of free services for children and teens (birth through age 20) which include: prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
The purpose of Healthchek is to discover and treat health problems early. These services are marketed as Healthchek to parents as a set of preventive health screenings with follow-up diagnosis and treatment.To discover health problems, Healthchek covers eight check-ups in the first two years of life and annual check-ups thereafter. Healthchek offers a comprehensive physical examination that includes a:
- medical history
- complete unclothed exam
- developmental assessment
- vision screening
- dental screening
- hearing assessment
- immunization assessment
- lead screening and
- other services or screenings as needed
A Healthchek Coordinator is available in each county to assist Medicaid consumers in getting these services. The HealthCheck Coordinator at Seneca County DJFS is Suzy Toepper. She can be reached at (419) 447-5011 Extension 306.
Frequently asked HealthChek Questions
- When should my child get a HEALTHCHEK screening exam?
- Are shots included in the HEALTHCHEK screening exam?
- What dental services are provided as part of the HEALTHCHEK program?
- Will the HEALTHCHEK program cover my child’s eyeglasses and other vision services?
- What hearing services are provided as part of the HEALTHCHEK program and how often can they be provided?